Boneface Outlaw IPL

I was going to have a yarn about the style, but I see I've done it before here. So yep - a lager that's hopped like an IPA. So ends up being kind of half way between a West Coast IPA and a pilsner I think.

This bottle of gold was deliciously hoppy and full bodied and yet somehow light like a lager. Decent bitterness, not quite like a pilsner but not far off (although more bitter than some NZ pilsners), nice big hop aromas with grapefruit and citruis coming through. Poured slightly cloudy, and smelt delicious right from the get go.

ABV: 5.2%
Brewery: Boneface
Region: Upper Hutt
Style: IPL
Wife Check: (drank alone)
Drinking Song: The People by The Music


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