Thomson Manuka Smoked Single Malt Whiskey

First time I've tried a "smoked malt" whiskey. Delicious in many ways. The smokiness is quite different to a peated whiskey, with less of an earthy character and more of a fresh open fire feeling that is in no way subtle, and is unmistakably Manuka. Under all the smoke (and mirrors?) is a deliciously smooth single malt with a rich but deliciously smooth smattering of flavour. The smokiness is incredibly present, but compliments the underlying whiskey incredibly well. 

The smell of this whiskey is also amazing, and I think I almost enjoyed the sniff before each swig more than the actual swig. Occasionally I found myself just sniffing it between sips.

I don't know whiskey like I know beer, but I know this stuff is gooooood.


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