Duncans Yum Yum Yuzu Dry Lager

The only time I've heard of yuzu (柚) before is in a yuzu infused tonic at a gin night (at Brew Union). Google tells me it originated in China as a cross between a mandarin (the fruit not the language) and some other thing I've never heard of. So I guess the bearded folk at Duncan's thought it would go well with an Asahi or Sapporo type Japanese dry lager. I think those style dry lagers are usually made with a good bit of rice in the grain bill, which gives a very clean crisp pale character to the beer without much flavour (compared with barley). The hops are usually present just to give a slight bitterness, but overall they're very clean crisp pale drinkable beers with not a whole lot of flavour (the kind that's hard to brew well, because any little tweak or error is very noticable).

The addition of yuzu to that style of beer seems to make sense, and this beer shows that it works really well in practice. Still a very crisp and light lager that's very easy to drink with minimal hops or malt flavour to comment on; but a fairly prominent (but not overpowering) and very complementary citrus flavour and aroma coming through (not at all like the citrus flavours you get from hops). Went very well with a decent chilli kick in the sauce I had my gyoza (餃子) with. 

Once again Duncan has proven that adding odd bits into beer can be done really well.

ABV: 4.7%
Brewery: Duncan's
Region: Kapiti (Wellington)
Style: Dry Lager
Wife check: "That's really nice and citrusy!"


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