Garage Project Slay Ride Stout

Damn, you know when you write something half good and then accidentally don't save it and have to start again and can't quite remember what you wrote. Although the first time I didn't quite pick up on the play on words with "Slay Ride", which makes the picture make a bit more twisted sense.

Yep that happened here. A big heavy thick stout that apparently has Christmas mince pies, plum pudding and Christmas cake as ingredients. Tastes like it too. It poured really flat (maybe just a bad can?) I had to give the glass a really good swirl to get the small layer of foam in the picture below, and it was gone in about 10 seconds... I normally don't care too much about head, but for a stout I do like a good creamy head.

It's not particularly creamy for a stout, but definitely thick and fruity. Quite high ABV for a stout, at just over 10%. There was a slight dark beeriness from the roasty malts, and very little (if any) hop flavour coming through (uncharacteristic for a Garage Project beer!). Overall I had a Stout craving and this beer didn't really fill it, but I reckon it would go well in place of a port, probably good with some pudding around a fire on a cold Winter's Eve, with some Springstein in the background.

ABV: 10.4%
Brewery: Garage Project
Region: Wellington
Style: Stout (and more)
Wife check: "Tastes like a non creamy Kahlua. Don't like it."


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