Parrotdog Gavin Gose

This guy was interesting. My wife bought it thinking I would like it. I couldn't quite remember what a Gose was, so googled it, and came up with this article stating that Gose killed craft beer (and yes claiming that craft beer is dead! Bro, you should come to New Zealand!!). As a general rule I don't like sour beers (I think they're a bit like gluten free food - nobody actually enjoys it, people just think it's trendy - although don't get me wrong I've tried multiple times, thinking maybe this time I'll be trendy enough to enjoy it), and the idea of adding salt to a sour beer I thought sounded fairly rank.

But it was sitting in my fridge, so I thought I should give it the benefit of the doubt. The text on the can is quite enticing, and I starting to feel a bit sorry for poor old Gavin before I even drank the bastard.

But actually, I have to admit, I quite enjoyed it! The first sour beer I have ever enjoyed. It was light and quite drinkable, the saltiness was noticable but subtle, and the sour aspect was also reasonably well fused into a beer flavour (I guess one of the problems with most sour beers is that they don't taste like beer - while this guy, Gavin, does).

Maybe it's all in the expectations - I went in thinking he'd be undrinkable, but actually he was pretty nice and I enjoyed him. I think I'd even get a few more of them some time, a nice drink with an episode of the Blacklist on a warm evening.

ABV: 4.4%
Brewery: Parrotdog 
Region: Wellington
Style: Gose 
Wife check: "Yeah, it's actually quite drinkable"


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