Mac's Big Dipper White IPA

Once upon a time when I first came to NZ, Mac's was one of my favourite NZ breweries. Since then they've become somewhat mainstream (damn, do I sound like a teeny bopper?) - they were bought by Lion, and "Mac" Terry McCashin opened Stoke Brewery - most of their new beers I've found to be underwhelming and mediocre. But at the moment I'm on a White IPA hunt... and suprisingly these guys delivered!

As a bit of a background, Mac's used to make a beer called the Great White; a Belgian Wit Bier, true to the style with orange peel and coriander seeds. And it tasted great, I always liked it. It's not the kind of beer I would drink every day, but the unique tang is quite nice, and despite being half German and quite fond of German beers, I have to admit I prefer a Belgian Wit to a Germen Weizen (which typically has strong banana and clove flavours, but all derived from yeast rather than additives). As far as I'm aware, Mac's don't make the Great White any more - fair enough I guess if they're in big business, as it's a fairly peculiar taste that won't really appeal to the masses.

I'm guessing they've used a similar recipe with this beer, and they've added lots of hops. Most of the White IPAs I've tried recetly have been more like NEIPA/Hazy IPAs - big on hops but not really big on the Belgian yeasty Witbier flavours. Surprisingly Mac's have produced the best White IPA I've tasted out of NZ so far, with a really nice unmistakeable Belgian Wit flavour (reminded me of their Great White) and a nice hoppiness over the top.

I like it - I think could have a little more hop aroma, but to be honest - I'm inspired!

ABV: 5.7%
Brewery: Mac's
Region: Auckland (Ex Nelson/Stoke)
Style: White IPA
Wife check: "Not sure about that..."


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