The Lost Beers

Beers I took a photo of but then forot to write something while I still remembered what the beer tasted like... Yep, I'm a bit like that.

 Brave - The People's Pils - I think this was a real nice German style Pils with that distinctive bitterness...

Behemoth - 6 Foot 5 IPA - I can't quite remember, but I think I loved this and had a huge hoppy whiff about it.

 Garage Project - The Cat's Pajamas - This had something wierd in it, I could look it up, but I won't. I think it tasted fairly standard lagery though. But I could be remembering wrong. I'm also not sure if it's related to the children's book (This is the Cat, and These are the Cat's Pyjamas!)

 Giant Golden Ale - This was actually really really really delicious, and probably warranted a full write up. I had it at a winery after a day of drinking wines and cycling about. I think it was a limited edition release, so I'll likely never drink it again.


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