Garage Project Shandy

Shandy, or Radler in German, is a half beer half lemonade, not something I've ever been particularly keen on, but when I saw that Garage Project had a premade one I did get a little excited, thinking well I've never had a crafty hoppy beer mixed with a lemonade, maybe that'll be something cool... Unfortunately this beer was disappointingly plain. Not much beeriness (couldn't really comment on the hops aroma or bitterness), not much maltiness, and a little bit of sweetness from the lemonade. I guess it was probably nice than a XXXX gold which is similar strength. Overall, fairly disappointed. But perhaps I should take a good double IPA and mix it with a lemonade and see how that turns out. Or even a Kombucha?! 

ABV: 2.4%
Brewery: Garage Project
Region: Wellington
Style: Shandy
Wife check: "You could definitely drink that on a sunny afternoon."


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