Liberty Brewing Co Halo Pilsner

Liberty are one of those breweries that don't really do anything less than exceptional beers, and they've delivered again with this one. This is the epitome of an NZ Pilsner, delivering a good bitterness and distinctively NZ hops flavour and aroma while somehow still giving a strong impression of a classic Pilsner.

A crystal clear pour, with good head that didn't fade away (and tasted foamingly yum), a good nose, and a good taste. The six pack didn't last very long. I loved it. Definitely a big influence on my upcoming NZ Pilsner, and perhaps the best NZ Pilsner I've had to date.

On a side note, I once met Joseph (the owner/head brewer), and he gave me a bit of a chilli that he'd grown, it tasted yum, a hint of peach, but made me sick as a dog, and was the hotteset chilli I've ever tasted. So if he offers you a beer, take it, but if he offers you a chilli, I'd suggest not.

ABV: 5.4%
Brewery: Liberty Brewing Co
Region: Helensville (West Auckland)
Style: NZ Pilsner
Wife check: "I don't think I really like it. "


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