Homemade Rosemary Salt

This is no secret, probably well documented. I saw it once on a cooking show. But it's so good and enhances hot chips so much that I have to quickly share it. If you have a rosemary plant, all you need is a sprig or two. If you don't have a rosemary plant, get one.

Take a couple of rosemary sprigs, chuck them in the oven, the top rack of the bbq, the airfryer (or anywhere else hot and dry) untill they're dry and fragile, and then run your fingers down to crack all the leaves off the stick, and mush the dried crumbly leaves. You can do this with a mortar and pessle, a nutribullet or blender, or just your bare fingers. Then mix it with some salt (use some chunky sea salt if you're going to mortar and pessle or nutribullet).

Chuck this rosemary salt mix over your chips, and they will be instantly better than they were before.



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