Hartzview Spiced Apple Mead Liqueur

I bought this randomly in a unique whiskey store on Bruney Island, just off Hobart. Not quite sure what to expect, while mead is something on my bucket list to brew, and I'm almost certain I'll like, I've never actually tasted it (closest I've come is honey beers).

The label reads 18%ABV, all natural, from Tasmanian honey, apples and a secret cinnamon and clove mix, serve warm. All of those things sound delicious to be, but I still wasn't expecting quite as sweet a taste as I got. It was yum though, reminded me strongly of a good German Schnapps. Almost syruppy thick sweetness, with a subtle honey smoothness, a and a good bit of sweet spiced apple pie (Jimbo).

Really quite different to what I was expecting, but very, very delicious. Just wish I had a bigger bottle. Yet to taste bad stuff out of Tassie.



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